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How organic cleaners will be in consumer’s habits!!

How organic cleaners will be in consumer’s habits!!

We are sure that the key for the success of enzyme-based products is dependent on earning the confidence of consumers through proper and open communication.

In fact, an educational marketing effort is needed to encourage consumers to change their habits and develop a new organic culture. It’s known that the brain works three times harder to avoid pain than to obtain pleasure.

Demonstrating to the client that the organic alternative helps in avoiding some problems (governmental control of wastewater, storage, etc….) will make the product appeal as the savior. We shouldn’t discuss the efficiency issue with clients because, in most cases, clients are already satisfied with the chemical product.

In order to increase the use of enzymatic solutions, we have to determine a communication and marketing plan showing to consumers that enzyme based products help overcome some critical health-related problems associated with chemical alternatives. We are now developing a new family of enzymes capable of targeting mycotoxins, which are considered to impose huge issues on the storage and transport of seeds. There is a lot still to be done to extend and increase the use of enzymes, especially since this technology, for the moment, is limited for use in the detergents sector.

Biocleen solutions is one of the actor on this industry enforcing a Green alternative and improving Enzymatic technology as a wise alternative for a better world and less carbon footprint. Join to us in this journey !!!

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